Do You Sometimes Find The Forums / Website Slow To Load?

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Do You Sometimes Find The Forums / Website Slow To Load?

Post by Globalfightback »

Recently, the forums and website occasionally load into the browser window slowly at my end. It's possible that this may just be an issue with my own computer setup or router. Please report any problems you experience with this here. A slow-loading Board will obviously impact on user experience and might well deter people from even signing up, so if I can be certain it's a server issue I can contact the hosting service to resolve or, if necessary, move the Board to another host provider.
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Re: Do You Sometimes Find The Forums / Website Slow To Load?

Post by Globalfightback »

UPDATE: The memory capacity of the site has been upgraded by our hosting service. This should improve page loading of both the main website and these forums. If anybody encounters any issues please let me know. Before you do, make sure you have deleted cookies in your browser and cleared the cache. As an additional measure, delete the cookies directly using the link at the bottom of this page.
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